Metamorphosis medical home

Women's Hormone Therapy

What is Women's Hormone Therapy?

Hormones are at the core of your body's messaging system. Hormones are used to send signals nearly everywhere in your body. If you are experiencing issues with mood, growth, weight, or even body hair hormones may be the culprit. Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) is used in our clinics to provide relief from various life altering symptoms.

Okay, but what are Bioidentical Hormones?

Bioidentical hormones are plant-derived compounds that are as close as we can come to reproducing the natural hormones in your body.

What to expect?

While many associate incorrect hormone levels with menopause, your hormones fluctuate throughout life. The treatment may differ, but generally you can expect:

  • - An initial consult to go over your symptoms
  • - Testing and labs to identify the root cause
  • - Sitting down with your doctor to formulate the best plan of action
  • - Continuous teamwork to reach the goal of a healthier, happier you

Now starting at $149/month*!

Ask us about bulk pricing, we offer discounts for 3 and 12 month plans.

* This pricing assumes a 1-year plan

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