Metamorphosis medical home

Men's Hormone Therapy

Find out if you have Low T

If you are unsure if you are experiencing symptoms of Low Testosterone, take our quiz to find out!

Take the quiz!

Now starting at $149/month*!

Ask us about bulk pricing, we offer discounts for 3 and 12 month plans.

* This pricing assumes a 1-year plan

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Why should I get hormone therapy?

You don't have to live with all of the annoying symptoms you find in the Low T Questionnaire. At Metamorphosis we believe everyone should be able to live happy, fulfilling lives. Hormone therapy is an effective way to combat disorders or aging so you don't have to fight them alone.

What else can I do?

Beyond the medication we will provide, there are several activities we can help you learn to accelerate the process.

  • - Follow a healthy diet
  • - Develop quality sleep habits
  • - Reduce the stress you carry
  • - Make exercise a habit

What causes Low T?

While there are common causes of low testosterone, we don't want to make the wrong assumptions about your treatment. Please inform us if you have experienced:

  • - Testicular trauma or infections
  • - Previous steroid use
  • - Radiation exposure or Chemotherapy
  • - Liver, Kidney, or immune diseases